Setting up Microsoft Outlook 2002 (XP)--IMAP Setting
before setup your outlook 2002, pls make sure you have below information--imap setting
incoming mail server : imap
outgoing smtp server :
email address :
password : *****************
Microsoft Outlook is a powerful email and scheduling program offered as part of the Microsoft Office suite of applications. This tutorial shows you how to configure Outlook to retrieve mail from your email account. The following screen shots are taken with Outlook2002 on Windows XP, but they should be very similar to other versions on different operating systems.
Start your Outlook 2002 software. Click 'Tools' and select 'Options'.
On the Options page, select the Mail Setup tab and click 'E-mail Accounts...'
On the E-mail Accounts page, select 'Add a new e-mail account' and click 'Next'.
On the Server Type page select 'IMAP' server type.
On the Internet E-mail Settings (IMAP) page enter the email user name and e-mail address, user name and password and incoming and outgoing mail servers and then click 'Next'. You may check 'Remember password' but DO NOT check 'Log on using Secure Password Authentication (SPA)'.
User Name:
Incoming mail server (IMAP):
(Replace with your own domain name)
Outgoing mail server (SMTP):
(If your ISP does not provide SMTP server services, click here)
Congratulations! You have successfully setup your IMAP email software. Click Finish to end.
Setting up SMTP for Microsoft Outlook 2002 (XP)
If your ISP does not provide SMTP server service for your use, you may use our mail server for SMTP. You will have to specify your Outlook 2002 software to authenticate in order for the SMTP server to accept your outgoing email.
On your Outlook 2002 Internet E-mail Settings (IMAP) page, enter as your Outgoing mail server (SMTP) and then click 'More Settings...'.
On the More Settings page, select the Outgoing Server tab, check the 'My outgoing server (SMTP) requires authentication' option and Advanced for next step
Click Advanced and change SMTP to a special port number : 465 and Click OK. Imap port number:143
Congratulations! You have successfully configured your imap email software to use the our email server as your SMTP server.