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Special pop3/smtp eMail Setting for China Customer Only

If customer from China experience send and received email unstable/problem. We Strong suggest client enable SSL and try used our Network A (default) or Network B below




  • Pls don't press email testing account from MS Outlook, because email may block by Mainland if sender & recipient is same email address
  • remember type full email address as login id for your email program
  • all smtp server must enable "My Server requires authentication"
  • user login & password unchanged for ALL network

Network A :  (default)


 Network A : pop3 server :
                        smtp server :

 enable "My Server requires authentication"

POP3 and SMTP SSL Setting

 smtp port number : SSL-2025
 pop3 port number : SSL-995




Network B


 Setting B : pop3 server :
                       smtp server :


 enable "My Server requires authentication"

POP3 and SMTP SSL Setting

 smtp port number : SSL-2025
 pop3 port number :  SSL-995


Other Solution (Webmail)
Webmail Server


Services                  Server Name                                                                                                      
webmail server




Spamming and Junk Mail NOT Allow.

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