What is Exchange ActiveSync (EAS), CalDAV and CardDAV? Exchange ActiveSync (commonly known as EAS). It is and Add-on feature from ABCHK.com that synchronizes your emails, contacts and calendar between Webmail and your Mobile Devices.
Support CalDAV: Calendar sharing protocol (popular use by Apple OS)
SupportCardDAV: Address book sharing protocol (popular use by Apple OS)
How can I set it up and any fee ? CalDAV and CardDAV is FREE of charge services Exchange ActiveSync (EAS) is an Add-on feature, it charge HK$5/mth/user
(PDF Order Form / Online Order) and you can use the following settings:
Username : your complete email address
Password : the one you also use for Webmail
Server : sogo.abchk.com
Domain : leave empty if you are asked to enter something here
Security : SSL enable
Control Panel ? If you want setup multi calendars or sharing your calendars to your colleague. Please login to SOGo webmail server below and click your calendars setup the share permission
Exchange ActiveSync (EAS), CalDAV, CardDAV Setup Instruction (Beta) Due to the implementation of the Exchange ActiveSync protocol in Outlook, there may some usage limitations
Other Mail Device Thunderbird User (pop3/imap) : Calendar using CalDAV setup menu (Calendar) recommand (Free) BlackBerry 10 Smartphone : Support Exchange ActiveSync, CalDAV and CardDAV
Windows 10 mail app : Not support