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1.0.Linux Server


1.01How to upload files in Web control panel?(linux)

1.02How to change password in web control panel?(linux)

1.03Linux DirectAdmin Panel : Add FTP Account

1.04Linux Server : File Manager : Changing File Permissions

1.05Linux Server: How to use php to send email

1.06How to Enabling / Disabling FrontPage Extensions

1.07Directory Password Protection, Cron Jobs

1.08Site Back up

1.09PAID SSL Secure Site (https://)

1.10WWebalizer (Linux) eb Statistics Report Explanation :

1.11Sub Domain Setting

1.12MySQL Database Creation

1.13Let's Encrypt Free SSL (https://) for new Linux Hosting

2.0.Window Server


2.01How to upload files in Web control panel?(window)

2.02How to change password in web control panel?(window)

2.03How to add FTP account?(window)

2.04Why CDONT cannot work ?

2.05Why Database cannot write data ?

2.06How to use jmail to send email?

2.07ASPSmartUpload Instructions

2.08How to Backup MSSQL Server?

2.09How to access MSSQL Server?

2.10Web Counter

2.11how to disable passive transfer from ftp : for windows 2003 server



3.01How to Upload Homepage using Dreamweaver

3.02How to Upload Homepage using Dreamweaver MX

3.03How to Upload Homepage using Dreamweaver 8



4.01Download Filezilla

4.02How to use Filezilla to connect server?

4.03How do I turn off passive mode for FileZilla?

5.0.Other settings


5.01How to Using Windows Explorer as an FTP Client

5.02How do I turn off passive mode for IE?

5.03How to Use form to email



3 Step Upload your hompeage using ws-ftp program
(if client using dreamwaver or frontpage upload your homepage and you may using build-in upload feature upload your homepage and do not need ws-ftp program) (download ws-ftp program click here)
Step 1 Install ws-FTP program into your computer (help)

Step 2

open ws-FTP program and make connection (help)
Step 3 upload file to your web (help)
Below Information request before upload your homepage
Host Name

Login ID

yourdomain or
Password ******
Locath Path Server 1 : /var/www/html
Server 2 : http/html
Server 3 : www


Important Note


Linux Server web site first file name must be index.html

Windows Server

web site first file name must be default.htm
Location Path make sure which web location you should save your web data
Server 1 : /var/www/html
Server 2 : http/html
Server 3 : www
Language Support for Linux or Windows Server


Linux Server ftp, html, php, cgi, perl, ssi, telnet (option reqeust: frontpage extension, tomcat jsp, mysql database)

Windows Server

ftp, html, asp, access database


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