Macromedia Dreamweaver MX is a powerful WYSIWYG website development tool which is supported by all our hosting services. It offer an intuitive environment for building cross-platform sites that generates HTML code neatly and efficiently. Dreamweaver is a favorite of multimedia designers, since it easily integrates with other Macromedia applications, like Flash and Shockwave.
Pls Make Sure you have following information below start Setup your Dreamweaver.
The Host Directory Information will be Different for Different Server example below : http/html/ : Linux Server 1 /var/http/html/ : Linux Server 2 /public_html : Linux Server 3 /www/ : Windows 2000 Server /httpdocs/ : Windows 2003 Server
Not Sure which Host Directory, pls read the email first time we gave you or contact us !
Start the Dreamweaver MX and select "New Site..." in the Site menu.
In the Site Definition window, enter your site name and click "Next".
Select "No, I do not want to use a server technology." and click "Next".
Select "Edit local copies on my machine, then upload to server when ready." then specify the location of the files on your computer either by entering the path to the files or by clicking the folder icon to browse. When finished, click "Next".
Define your Site Remote Info as follows and click "Next".
How do you connect to your remote server? FTP What is the hostname or FTP address of your Web server? What folder on the server do you want to store your files in? /public_html (make sure which host name) What is your FTP Login? Your MemberID What is your FTP Password? your password
(passwords and IDs are case sensitive)
Select "No, do not enable check in and check out." and click "Next".
Click "Done".
Click the Connect icon to connect to your server.
Once Connected to the server, to upload files to the server click on the Put Files icon.
Click "OK".
Once files are uploaded, they will appear in the file manager window.